Providing Psychotherapy in San Francisco
Matthew Morrissey, Marriage & Family Therapist, Lic. MFC 45780 Learn MoreIndividual Psychotherapy
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Therapy for Teens
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Therapy for Teens
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About Me
Matthew Morrissey, Marriage & Family Therapist, Lic. MFC 45780.
Contact Me
Get in touch to learn more about working together.
My Mission & Vision
In my practice, I provide individual psychotherapy for adults and teenagers.
The main therapeutic approach I employ is called psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Briefly, this approach centers on helping you make changes in how you relate to yourself and others. It values the unique experience of each person and respects the complexity inherent in life. This approach can be tailored to be either brief or of longer duration, depending on your needs.
I provide a warm, caring presence, and a focused attention on you and your concerns.
My sensibilities and outlook have been shaped by a longstanding interest in ancient and modern philosophy, film, literature, skateboarding, and a punk rock/DIY ethos.

Individual Adult Therapy
I help people:
- Find and sustain a satisfying intimate relationship
- Explore difficulties in the process of moving towards marriage or becoming a parent
- Overcome depression and anxiety
- Heal from a painful break-up or divorce
- Get back in touch with their feelings
- Recover from a major loss
- Deal with the consequences of growing up in a difficult family
- Moderate or abstain from substance use
- Communicate their needs in a genuine manner
- Become very sophisticated about what might be going on in another person's mind
- Change long-held assumptions and risk new behavior
- Develop more of a connection to their inner world
People who have not achieved lasting benefits with psychiatric medications and are seeking another path to healing have found me especially helpful.
Therapy for Teens
When working with teenagers a combination of individual therapy and parent meetings is most effective. Individual therapy progresses in stages. First I focus on making a genuine connection that builds trust. Then your teen and I invent a way of talking about what is troubling. Finally we generate a set of goals that, when reached, will make your teen feel more in control of their lives. With their permission these goals are shared with parents in the parent meetings. I then help parents find ways to support their teen in achieving these goals.
I help teenagers overcome depression, school-related conflicts, major loss, divorce, trauma, low self-esteem, social isolation, and anxiety.
Therapy for Teens
When working with teenagers a combination of individual therapy and parent meetings is most effective. Individual therapy progresses in stages. First I focus on making a genuine connection that builds trust. Then your teen and I invent a way of talking about what is troubling. Finally we generate a set of goals that, when reached, will make your teen feel more in control of their lives. With their permission these goals are shared with parents in the parent meetings. I then help parents find ways to support their teen in achieving these goals.
I help teenagers overcome depression, school-related conflicts, major loss, divorce, trauma, low self-esteem, social isolation, and anxiety.
I wish more people knew about psychoanalysis. Most people say, “I would run out of things to talk about going more than once a week!” An understandable reaction– but what if it became obvious that what you talk about is more complex than it appears?
What if you found the discussions you were having in therapy to be among the more meaningful you’ve had in your life? You might find yourself wanting more time to talk. This is how a real psychoanalysis begins. Analysis isn’t for everyone; many people get what they need from regular psychotherapy. But when an analysis can happen you are making a deep commitment to your emotional well-being.